Ohr Chadash - New Horizons in Jewish Experience

The Enigma of Jewish History

Vayikra Leviticus

As discussed at the beginning of Bechukotai, the word “chok” denotes a decree that defies normative logic. Significantly, in the very portion that presents the Jewish people with the choices they have to make regarding their future history, the word “chok” is employed. Jewish history truly transcends all precedent and highlights the ability of a people to survive persistent oppression of the worst kind all over the world, and to finally return to their homeland after nearly two thousand years in exile. Although the Jews make up an extremely small percentage of the world’s population (approximately 0.2 %), they have consistently made the most significant contribution to virtually every aspect of human progress. The dynamic of Jewish history is indeed a great mystery, a “chok,” in the truest and most mysterious sense of the word.

