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Ohr Chadash

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What is Ohr Chadash?
Our Vision- Ohr Chadash endeavors to share in a contemporary manner the radiant light, rich traditions and spirituality of the Torah that is both practical and mystical to all Jews and to all peoples, regardless of race, religion, or creed.
Our Mission- We seek daily interactions with our students and friends through our social media presence, ongoing communication, our published books, music, classes, and events in person and online. We build lasting, trusting relationships with those who desire to learn, grow and expand their spiritual horizons, connect to God, the Torah, Jewish tradition and the Land and People of Israel.
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The Fascinating Symmetry of the Sanctuary
A Synergetic Triangle The menorah was placed on the south side of the Sanctuary directly across from the table of the showbread on the north

Powerful Statement We Will Do and We Will Hear
We Will Do and We Will Hear At the end of Mishpatim, the process of receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai is revisited, including the

Bless Us With Our Portion In The Torah
Our Portion in the Torah As part of the Amidah prayer which we recite three times on Shabbat, we request from God to “grant us