About Ohr Chadash
New Horizons in Jewish Experience
About Ohr Chadas
Our Vision
Ohr Chadash endeavors to share in a contemporary manner the radiant light, rich traditions and spirituality of the Torah that is both practical and mystical to all Jews and to all peoples, regardless of race, religion, or creed.
Our Mission
We seek daily interactions with our students and friends through our social media presence, ongoing communication, our published books, music, classes, and events in person and online. We build lasting, trusting relationships with those who desire to learn, grow and expand their spiritual horizons, connect to God, the Torah, Jewish tradition and the Land and People of Israel.
Our Values
Enable Connection: Enhancing the ability of people to connect with one another, the greater community, and the world in meaningful ways through our teaching programs.
Inspire Exploration: To empower and inspire people to explore new horizons and new experiences through spiritual and mystical paths inspired by Jewish teachings. Opening new worlds of thought and experience through intellectual and practical stimulation and guidance.
Elicit Joy: Offering enhancing experiences that awaken in participants a sense of happiness, awe, and limitless possibilities. We share the gift of wonder and joy to those we teach and interact with.
Create a Sense of Pride: To give people an increased sense of confidence, security, and vitality in themselves, their place in the world, and their relationship with the Divine.
Impact Society: Affecting society broadly in a positive way by influencing the lives of our students and friends to become more conscious of the impact they have on the people and world around them.
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About the Trugmans

Rabbi Avraham Arieh and Rachel Trugman have forty-five years of experience in the field of Jewish education. They were a founding family of Moshav Meor Modiim in 1976, where Rabbi Trugman served several years as the Director of the Center of Jewish Education, which successfully ran programs for over 5,000 participants from over 25 countries.
In 1988, the Trugmans took the position of Regional Directors of NCSY in Denver, Colorado. They returned to Israel in 1995 and are now the Directors of Ohr Chadash: New Horizons in Jewish Experience, a dynamic program they created that has run programs for tens of thousands of participants. Their website, you-tube channel, Twitter, Instagram, Soundcloud, and Facebook pages have gotten millions of visits over the years.
The Trugmans have visited over 50 cities worldwide, leading Shabbatons, giving classes, performing music, and serving as scholars-in-residence. Rabbi Trugman has written nineteen popular books and produced nine music discs of original music.
Rachel Trugman, along with her work for Ohr Chadash, is also a family therapist with a private practice and an artist who has published a coloring book with poetry entitled Tales of the Talmud.
About Ohr Chadash, About Ohr Chadash, About Ohr Chadash, About Ohr Chadash, About Ohr Chadash, About Ohr Chadash
Rabbi Avraham Arieh and Rachel Trugman are available for teaching and as scholars-in-residence in Israel, North America and other locations around the world. Programs can be tailor-made to fit the educational needs of a group or institution. The programs can include music – Rabbi Trugman plays the dulcimer, creating a uniquely spiritual ambiance. With forty years of teaching experience Rabbi Trugman and his wife have a warm sensitivity to people of all backgrounds.
The most successful programs include a full Shabbat or holiday experience, infusing the prayers, meals and learning with a spiritual atmosphere, lively song, heartfelt stories and intellectual and emotional content. These programs are geared for synagogues, campuses or communities looking for a more spiritual and spirited experience of Shabbat and the holidays.
- Meditations on Shema Yisrael
- Prophecy and Divine Inspiration
- The Anatomy of the Soul
- Becoming a Master of Time
- Art, Science and Torah: A New Paradigm
- Awakening the Spark Within: Five Dynamics of Leadership that Can Change the World
- Basic Concepts of Kabbalah and Chassidut
- Crash Course on Jewish Spirituality and Mysticism
- Exile and Redemption: Understanding Jewish History
- Getting the Most From Prayer
- Getting to the Essence of Shabbat
- A Holistic and Integrative Model of Jewish Education
- The Holiness of the Land of Israel
- Jerusalem: Getting to the Heart of the Matter
- Living in Divine Space: Secrets of Jewish Meditation
- Love and Relationships
- The Mystical Power of Music
- Secrets of the Hebrew Letters
- Seventy Faces of the Torah: Learning How to Learn
- Spiritual and Mystical Insights Into The Jewish Holidays
- Torah and Modern Cosmology
- Waiting for the Messiah: What’s All the Fuss About
- The Mystical Meaning of Dreams
- Consciousness and Choice: Finding a Soul Mate
- The Mystical Nature of Light: Paradox of Creation
- The Mystical Matrix of Reincarnation
- Body, Mind and Soul: A Jewish View of Healing
- Psychology and Torah: A Fascinating Inner Journey
- Spiritual Insights into the Cycles of the Jewish Calendar
- Secrets of the Star Of David
- The Role of Business and Money in Jewish Life
- Recreating Jewish Community in the Twenty-First Century
- Unifying Secular Knowledge and Torah Wisdom
- Kabbalistic Insights into the Weekly Torah Portion
- Anger: The Inner Teacher
- Art, Music and Femininity
- Basic Concepts of Chassidic Thought
- Dance of the Hebrew Letters
- Famous Women in the Oral Tradition
- Jewish Meditation
- Perek Shira: The Song of Creation
- Primordial Waters: Secrets of the Mikvah
- Psychology and Torah
- Seminars in Emotional Management
- Women and the Mitzvot
- Women and the Ladder of Prayer
During her more than twenty-five years of counselling and teaching experience, Rachel has a sensitively attuned ear to listen with heart and soul. Specializing in trauma release, she utlizies techniques that can help free her clients from the bonds of difficult life experiences. Especially trained to work with the religious community, she has the skills and knowledge of Torah as a guiding light. for the special direction needed by a Jewish soul regardless of level of observance.
Sessions are conducted under strictest confidence and fees are based on a sliding scale. Rachel is looking forward to the exciting adventure of self-discovery and enhanced life energy that is generated in the therapeutic sessions. Please feel free to phone for an appointment to start your own personal journey or attend one of her workshops on various topics.
Based on the Artscroll book by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin
Learn the great benefits of emotional self-control.
Learn skills to help your dreams come true
Become a pro at raising your children.
A support group to share information and encouragement.
Israel Educational Partners Over the Years
The Rothberg School of Overseas Students
Hebrew University
Beit Hillel
Hebrew University
Hillel-Hecht Beit Midrash Program
Hebrew University
Beit Hillel
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv
Program for Overseas Students
Ben Gurion University
Beer Sheva
One Year Program
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan
Young Judea Year Course
Young Judea Shalem Program
Young Judea Shevet Program
World Union of Jewish Students
Sephardic Educational Center
Machon Lev
Shir Hadash
Yeshivat Torat Chaim
Neve Yaacov
Ascent Institute
Yeshivat HaMivtar
Shirat Shlomo
Berot Bat Ayin
Bat Ayin
Yeshivat HaKotel
Machon Mayan
Beit Shemesh
Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo
Kol Rina
Center for Tzfat Kabbalah
Beirav Synagogue
Bat Midrash
KOTU Center