Ohr Chadash - New Horizons in Jewish Experience

Find out Secrets of Reincarnation Regarding Jacob and Esau

Find out Secrets of Reincarnation Regarding Jacob

Reincarnations of Jacob and Esau

Jacob and Esau were not only twin brothers, they were archetypal rivals, as was revealed to Rebecca when they were still in her womb: “The children agitated within her, and she said, “If so, why am I thus?” And she went to inquire of God. And God said to her: “Two nations are in your womb; two regimes from your insides shall be separated; the might shall pass from one regime to the other, and the elder shall serve the younger” (Genesis 25: 22-23). This rivalry was renewed when the Jews were in exile in Persia, as recorded in the Book of Esther.

Mordecai was a reincarnation of Jacob, while Haman, who wanted to wipe out the Jewish people, was a reincarnation of Esau. Jacob, after receiving the blessing from Isaac, fled his home when Esau sought to kill him. When he confronted Esau once again after 34 years, he bowed down to him seven times. Although many commentators explain that he did so from a place of strength, especially after defeating Esau’s angel the night before in the archetypal battle when Jacob merited to receive the new name of Israel, nonetheless, others see this as a blemish on Jacob’s soul. When they meet again as Mordecai and Haman, this time Mordecai refuses to bow to Haman, which triggers his desire to wipe out the Jewish people. In the end, Mordecai is able to rise above Haman, thus rectifying Jacob’s bowing down to Esau (Reincarnation of Souls # 51; note 245).

Subsequently, these two souls appeared in a later generation in Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, the redactor of the Mishnah, who was a reincarnation of Jacob, while Antoninos, the Roman ruler was the incarnation of Esau. This time though, they achieved a measure of tikkun, as they were best of friends, and although they were worlds apart in lifestyle and national allegiance, they related to each other with mutual respect and love. (Reincarnation of Souls # 63).

