9 meditative melodies for deep relaxation by R’ Avraham Arieh and R’ Efrayim Trugman.
River of Peace is a beautiful and deep musical and spiritual experience. The songs express both deep yearning and great joy in the service of Hashem. Accompanied by Shlomo Katz, Eliezer Blumen (Lazer Lloyd), Tamar and Yitzhak Attias, Micha Hyman, Lev Moshe Leventer, Yonatan Niv, Sruli Solomon, Raz Hartman and Opher Schneider.
The minimal cost of River of Peace (including shipping) is $15 USD, $15 CAD, or 45 ILS. For this minimal donation, we will send you a CD. If you are able to donate more, we highly encourage you to do so.